Maarja Kruusmaa
MAARJA KRUUSMAA is a professor at Center for Biorobotics ( at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. She received her Ph.D. at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden in Computer Engineering focusing on mobile robot learning and adaptation.
In 2002 she co-founded Intelligent Materials and Systems Lab in Tartu University of Technology, Tartu, Estonia, focusing on modeling, control and mechanical design of electroactive polymer artificial muscles.
At 2008 she founded the Center for Biorobotics in Tallinn University of Technology which is an interdisciplinary research center for conducting research and development on the borderline of science and technology. Her research interests include biologically inspired underwater robotics, computational and experimental fluid dynamics, flow sensing, robot learning and adaptation, soft body modeling and control. She is an R&D director of, a start-up company using robotics technology for virtual online fitting rooms.
She is also a member of ISTAG, an advisory body to the European Commission in the field of Information and Communication Technology, the General Chair of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics held in Tallinn at 2011 (ICAR 2011) and the coordinator of EU FP7 research project FILOSE (FIsh LOcomotion and SEnsing).