The fet11 Exhibition will demonstrate the potential, diversity and the importance of foundational long term research in future ICT.
The programme committee has selected 30 exciting exhibitions presenting a mix of impressive achievements as well as early stage results, ideas and prototypes. They will illustrate the wide variety of disciplines, technologies and domains involved in future and emerging information technologies.
Download the Exhibition Guide in pdf
See floor plan below

Exhibit title | Contact | Stand |
Reconfigurable eel like robot with electric sense: Project ANGELS |
Girin, Alexis |
9 |
Willies, Jennifer |
28 |
Holland, Owen |
15 |
Dorigo, Marco |
18 |
Gammaitoni, Luca |
17 |
Prescott, Tony |
22 |
Millan, Jose del R. |
1 |
Neumaier, Daniel |
21 |
Orofino, Stefano |
11 |
Frontiers of Nanoscale, Opto- and Electro-Mechanical Technologies |
Aspelmeyer, Markus |
20 |
Kindler, Björn |
14 |
CyberRat: High Resolution Bi-directional Brain-Chip Interface |
Vassanelli, Stefano |
6 |
Laschi, Cecilia |
5 |
Exploring the Quantum world: from Games to Diamond Qubits and Secure Quantum Communication |
Pruvost, Kamna |
19 |
Acroban the Humanoid: Playful and Compliant Physical Human-Robot Interaction |
Ly, Olivier |
13 |
Chatzigiannakis, Ioannis |
27 |
Erokhin, Viktor |
12 |
Mura, Anna |
2 |
Louçã, Jorge |
26 |
Maltese, Vincenzo |
23 |
Fontana, Federico |
3 |
Bruschini, Claudio |
7 |
Kusnyerik, Akos |
24 |
Chavalarias, David |
25 |
Restoring vestibular functions using an implantable neuroprosthesis |
Micera, Silvestro |
4 |
Dunne, Stephen |
30 |
Davies, Nigel |
8 |
Fluorescence Digital Holographic Microscope for Biological Water safety Inspection System |
Tökés, Szabolcs |
16 |
Interview corner |
Willies, Jennifer and Dunne, Stephen |
29 |

Reconfigurable eel like robot with electric sense: Project ANGELS
Reconfigurable eel-like robot with electric sense
A robot which swims like an eel is the main attraction at the ANGELS stand. The prototype is made up of nine modules with propellers which can be operated independently or joined together. The robot is equipped with an electrolocation sensor which enables it to avoid obstacles and walls, and to distinguish the basic shape of objects.Web links
Contact: Dr Alexis Girin
Primary affiliation: Ecole des Mines de Nantes
City: Nantes
Country: France
Web Site: http://www.mines-nantes.fr
Stand: 9
Pervasive Adaptation: it's here!
Learning about pervasive adaptation through art and music
Fancy yourself as the next Jackson Pollock? Want to find out how music - from Mozart to Meatloaf - can affect your mood? These are just two of the interactive games, videos and interactive displays on show to demonstrate concepts embodied in pervasive adaptation, which refers to the ability of information and communication systems to adapt autonomously to dynamic user contexts. Artificial multi-robot organisms consisting of a swarm of robots, which can dock with each other and share energy and computational resources within a single artificial-life-form, will be demonstrated.Web links
Contact: Ms Jennifer Willies
Primary affiliation: PerAda Project Manager
City: Edinburgh
Country: United Kingdom
Web Site: http://www.perada.eu
Stand: 28
A new kind of robot: ECCEROBOT
Shed your skin – introducing ECCEROBOT
Shake hands with ECCEROBOT, a radically new kind of robot with a spectacular appearance. ECCEROBOT looks like a life-size human with the skin peeled off so that the bones, muscles, and tendons can be seen in motion. The stereotype of the robot is usually either dangerous or fragile. This exhibit attempts to move beyond this mindset, and this mindset must be overcome.Web links
Contact: Professor Owen Holland
Primary affiliation: University of Sussex
Position: Professor of Cognitive Robotics
Country: United Kingdom
Web Site: http://www.sussex.ac.uk
Stand: 15
Climbing, flying and getting the job done: Meet a new generation of swarmanoids
See robots fly, climb and wheel themselves around as they get on with their work. Or even set them an individual or collective task by writing a simple program. The exhibit aims to show how biologically inspired principles of swarm intelligence can be applied to robotics.Web links
Contact: Professor Marco Dorigo
Primary affiliation: Université Libre de Bruxelles
Position: Professor
City: Brussels
Country: Belgium
Web Site: http://iridia.ulb.ac.be
Stand: 18
Energy harvesting for powering wireless ICT devices
Shaking, rattling and rolling: Alternative energy sources for wireless ICT devices
Come and see how the vibrations from a car's engine, passenger compartment and shock absorbers can be harvested into electricity. Watch an animation which describes the science behind the “non-linear bistable energy harvester” that converts shaking, rattling and rolling into energy, and estimates how much energy can be produced. Or download an iPhone app which shows how much energy that you could generate just by giving your phone a shake.Web links
Contact: Prof Luca Gammaitoni
Primary affiliation: NiPS Laboratory, Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita' di Perugia
Position: Director of Noise in Physical System Laboratory, University of Perugia
City: Perugia
Country: Italy
Web Site: http://www.nipslab.org
Stand: 17
BIOmimetic Technology for vibrissal ACtive Touch (BIOTACT)
Shrewbot is the cat's whiskers
Meet ShrewBot and his friends, a group of robots inspired by the sensory systems of animals with whiskers. Robots equipped with vibrissal sensors are designed to operate in places in which more conventional sensors fail, like smoke or dust-filled environments or in murky water. Visitors can also watch videos of animals using their whiskers to explore their environments.Web links
Contact: Professor Tony Prescott
Primary affiliation: University of Sheffield
Position: Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience
City: Sheffield
Country: United Kingdom
Web Site: http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/psychology/research/groups/atlas
Stand: 22
Brain-Computer Interaction
Think it and it's done
Why not try out a brain computer interface for yourself? Four prototype applications are on show – you can write text using a mentally operated virtual keyboard, select pictures from a collection simply by focusing your attention on the desired picture, send a mental command to a functional electrical stimulation (FES) system that can deliver currents to forearm nerves to regain control of your hand for grasping, and control a small mobile robot designed for telepresence.Web links
Contact: Prof. Jose del R. Millan
Primary affiliation: EPFL
Position: Prof.
City: Lausanne
Country: Switzerland
Web Site: http://cnbi.epfl.ch
Stand: 1
Graphene based nanoelectronic devices
Getting to grips with graphene
Why not get to grips with graphene - the new shooting star of ICT. Visitors can touch and examine prototypes of transparent wafers coated by graphene and test its electrical conductivity. They can also test the protective nature of graphene by putting copper foils coated by a graphene layer on a hot-plate and observing the result.Web links
Contact: Dr. Daniel Neumaier
Primary affiliation: AMO GmbH
Position: Head of Carbon-Electronics Group
City: Aachen
Country: Germany
Web Site: http://www.amo.de
Stand: 21
Swimming bio-inspired artefacts with 3D vision
Swimming bio-inspired artefacts with 3D vision
Watch bio-inspired artefacts swimming in a small pool. The artefacts will move in a real adaptive way as a sort of natural "resonant" system, in which mechanical properties of skeletal apparatus and actuators stabilize the system during locomotion. Experimental sessions will be interleaved with presentations describing project relevance and its impact on technology.Web links
Contact: Eng. Stefano Orofino
Primary affiliation: Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Position: PhD Student
City: Pisa
Country: Italy
Web Site: http://www.sssup.it
Stand: 11
Frontiers of Nanoscale, Opto- and Electro-Mechanical Technologies
Frontiers of nanoscale, opto- and electro-mechanical technologies
The aim of this exhibit is to promote understanding of the quantum phenomena of micro and nano-mechanical devices that can be harnessed for ICT and QIPC and for ultra-high sensitivity sensors. Visitors to the stand will get a hands-on experience of nanoscale, opto- and electro-mechanical devices at work and have the opportunity to discuss with top scientists in the field who will show-case key research outputs and link them to wider strategies.Web links
Contact: Professor Markus Aspelmeyer
Primary affiliation: University of Vienna, Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics
Position: Professor of Physics
City: Vienna
Country: Austria
Web Site: http://vcq.quantum.at
Stand: 20
Brain-Inspired Computing - Theory, Technology and Education
Come and see a brain-inspired, or neuromorphic computer in action. Visitors will be able to choose from many different network architectures including biologically inspired cortical structures as well as generic concepts like "Liquid Computing". Staff will be on hand to interactively modify network parameters to demonstrate the typical workflow for using these new architectures.
Web links
Contact: Dr. Björn Kindler
Primary affiliation: Kirchhoff Institut für Physik, Uni Heidelberg
Position: Administrative Project Officer
City: Heidelberg
Country: Germany
Web Site: http://brainscales.eu
Stand: 14
CyberRat: High Resolution Bi-directional Brain-Chip Interface
Watch videos of brain-chip recording sessions made as part of the CyberRat project. CyberRat has developed an innovative interface between a semiconductor chip or an ensemble of chips and the brain of a living rat. Small CMOS chips featuring stimulation and recording sites integrated at high-density are implanted in several brain areas obtaining an unprecedented control of neuronal activity in the rat's brain.
Web links
Contact: Dr. Stefano Vassanelli
Primary affiliation: University of Padova
Position: Professor
City: Padova
Country: Italy
Web Site: http://www.anatomiafisiologia.unipd.it/neurochip/Index.html
Stand: 6
OCTOPUS - Novel Design Principles and Technologies for a New Generation of High Dexterity Soft-bodied Robots Inspired by the Morphology and Behaviour of the Octopus
Towards next generation high dexterity soft-bodied robots (the robotic octopus)
Welcome to the aquarium where you can try your hand at operating a robotic octopus, and at the same time gain a greater understanding of the principles of embodied intelligence which when applied to biomimetic soft-robotics technologies make possible the highly dexterous motor capabilities of this robotic octopus.Web links
Contact: Professor Cecilia Laschi
Primary affiliation: Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Position: Associate Professor of Biorobotics - OCTOPUS IP Coordinator
City: Pisa
Country: Italy
Web Site: http://www.sssup.it
Stand: 5
Exploring the Quantum world: from Games to Diamond Qubits and Secure Quantum Communication
Exploring the quantum world of games, diamonds and secure communications
Roll up, roll up for a game of "quantum roulette". A quantum random number generator will be used to draw winning numbers in a roulette game where visitors can play to win small prizes. The game exploits the unique lattice properties of diamond which allows quantum devices to run in ambient conditions. This exhibit will demonstrate a number of other applications which explore the quantum world, and its promise of better performance at smaller scale with less power consumption.Web links
Contact: Dr Kamna Pruvost
Primary affiliation: Oxford University
Position: Programme Manager and Research Facilitator
City: Oxford
Country: United Kingdom
Web Site: http://www.ox.ac.uk/
Stand: 19
Acroban the Humanoid: Playful and Compliant Physical Human-Robot Interaction
Meet Acroban, the first humanoid robot that can move around, walk and play with children without losing its balance. Acroban exhibits a range of behaviours that it can combine, and can react intuitively, naturally and creatively to uncontrolled external human intervention. Visitors will be able to see Acroban in action and interact with him.
Web links
Contact: Dr. Olivier Ly
Primary affiliation: LABRI / INRIA Flowers
Position: Associate Professor
City: Talence
Country: France
Web Site: http://flowers.inria.fr/
Stand: 13
Adaptive Networked Societies of Tiny Artefacts

Discover for yourself the functionalities of an adaptive networked society of tiny artefacts! The networked society comprises 40 wireless sensor nodes and 3 mobile robots which together form a distributed self-organizing society. Visitors will be able to interact with this society using wireless controllers, a smart phone or a tablet PC
Web links
Contact: Dr Ioannis Chatzigiannakis
Primary affiliation: Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (CTI)
Position: Director of Research Unit 1
City: Rion
Country: Greece
Web Site: http://ru1.cti.gr
Stand: 27
Synthetic Pathways to Bio-inspired Information Processing
Towards the synthetic brain (of a pond snail)
Find out how organic memristor was used to fabricate a functional material structure capable of mimicking the associative learning of feeding behaviour in the pond snail. Watch films showing the experimental data on the signal propagation kinetics in basic memristors and their networks, or showing the insurgence of "hebbian" patterns during the training of a complex phase-separated molecular memristor-functionalized gold nanoparticles composite network. Visitors will be shown a preliminary prototype of this adaptive complex network.Web links
Contact: Dr. Viktor Erokhin
Primary affiliation: University of Parma, Physics Department
Position: Full Professor
City: Parma
Country: Italy
Web Site: http://www.fis.unipr.it
Stand: 12
The future of biomimetic machines
The future of biomimetic machines
This exhibit will feature a number of demonstrations showcasing the potential of biomimetic systems to transform the way ICT technologies are developed and deployed in society. On show: the world's first integrated neuroprosthetic device that in tests has successfully replaced a lesioned circuit in a rodent's brain; a biomimentic chemical sensing robot; a wearable device that allows exploration of complex brain data (EEG, ECG, gesture, movement, including eyes, etc.) and a live stream from an ongoing cognitive neuromorphic engineering workshop.Web links
Contact: Dr Anna Mura
Primary affiliation: SPECS, Tech. dpt, University Pompeu Fabra
Position: senior research
City: Barcelona
Country: Spain
Web Site: http://csnetwork.eu/
Stand: 2
Diving into the Internet
Enter the Observatorium and get inside the web
This exhibit experiments on networks built from real-time Internet data, giving participants the feeling they are really “inside” the web and witnessing what is happening right now. The objective is to better understand the processes of knowledge generation and opinion dynamics. Visitors will be invited to enter a dark room where they can interact with a network of news extracted from the on-line press.Web links
Contact: Jorge Louçã
Primary affiliation: ISCTE-IUL Lisbon University Institute
Position: Professor
City: Lisbon
Country: Portugal
Web Site: http://iscte.pt/
Stand: 26
Living Knowledge diversity-aware technologies
Looking for a search engine to find images or web pages about David Beckham arranged in terms of the various clubs he has played for? This 15 minute demonstration of LivingKnowledge showcases technologies enabling bias-aware, diversity-aware and evolution-aware information access, including diversity-aware search within texts and images, analysis of future predictions as well as fact-and-opinion extraction.
Web links
Contact: Vincenzo Maltese
Primary affiliation: DISI - University of Trento
City: Trento
Country: Italy
Web Site: http://disi.unitn.it/
Stand: 23
Non visual floor augmentations
ICT goes walkabout: interfacing your shoes with the floor
Slip on a pair of sandals, pop a knapsack on your back and experience the sensation of walking over creaking floorboards, mud or even snow without leaving the exhibition. Your shoes detect foot action through force sensors and exchange data with a mobile microphone-based sensing floor. The sensations underfoot increase as the wearer approaches a wall of the exhibit so his or her reaction can be observed as the snow or mud gets deeper.Web links
Contact: Dr. Federico Fontana
Primary affiliation: University of Udine
Position: Assistant Professor
City: Udine
Country: Italy
Web Site: http://www.uniud.it
Stand: 3
Single Photon Imaging: from Dream to Reality

The MEGAFRAME project has designed a camera whose pixels can detect a single photon, and compute its time of arrival, a million times per second. The SPADnet project plans to translate the technology behind this achievement to a new generation of smart, CMOS-based large area networked image sensors, targeted at photon-starved biomedical applications. Take a look at recent prototypes of the system and interact with a single photon camera. You will also be able to see images of the various generations of single photon detectors, illustrating the development chain over the years.
Web links
Contact: Dr. Claudio Bruschini
Primary affiliation: EPFL STI SCI-STI-EC, INf 135 (Bât. INF), Station 14
Position: Project Manager
City: 1015 Lausanne
Country: Switzerland
Web Site: http://aqua.epfl.ch/
Stand: 7
The Eye, the Doctor and the Engineer
Come and see what the Hungarian Bionic Vision Centre is doing to help and assist the visually impaired with technical inventions, such as retina implants and special mobile devices. Our demonstration deeply relies on medical and engineering research when combining emerging technologies to revolutionize the tools for visually impaired people.
Visitors will see retinal implants and short videos of patients with retinal implants. Visitors can try out some of these devices for themselves including the implementation of a bank-note recognition software program using a smart-phone.
Web links
Contact: Dr. Akos Kusnyerik
Primary affiliation: Semmelweis University, Department of Ophthalmology
City: Budapest
Country: Hungary
Web Site: http://english.sote.hu/
Stand: 24
Browsing the digital traces of science
How is science evolving ? Can we automatically reconstruct the history of a research field ? In this exhibition, people will dive into the phylogeny of science reconstructed from the analysis of decades of scientific literature. Participants will be able to select a particular FET topic and visualize its developments through time in terms of keywords, related papers, illustrations and scholars. In absence of interactions, the phylogeny explorer device will permanently unfold the digital traces of science, suggesting paths through the ever-fluctuating landscapes of science.
Web links
Contact: PhD David Chavalarias
Primary affiliation: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Position: Research Fellow
City: Paris
Country: France
Web Site: http://sciencemapping.com
Stand: 25
Restoring vestibular functions using an implantable neuroprosthesis

See how implantable neuroprosthetics can restore function for people with vestibular disorders. Vistors can see inertial sensors connected to a laptop showing the real-time movement of a mechanical system simulating the head of a subject, as well as implantable electrodes which are used during in-vivo experiments.
Web links
Contact: Prof. Silvestro Micera
Primary affiliation: Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Position: Coordinator of the CLONS EU Project
Web Site: http://www.clons-project.eu/
Stand: 4
Starlab, a high-tech SME in FET
Try out Starlab's Enobio Brain Computer Interface for yourself at this exhibit which sets out results and information from research projects on non-invasive brain stimulation and human computer confluence. Visitors can try on the wireless BCI system and test some basic BCI software. More complex demonstrations will also take place with exhibit staff wearing the system.
Web links
Contact: Mr. Stephen Dunne
Primary affiliation: Starlab
Position: Neuroscience R&D Manager
City: Barcelona
Country: Spain
Web Site: http://starlab.es
Stand: 30
Pd-net - Towards Future Pervasive Display Networks
Visitors can get to grips with different aspects of future pervasive display networks with this hands-on experience. The exhibit combines a number of interactive applications running on an initial version of the PD-NET middleware and acts as a starting point for understanding the underlying concept of pervasive display networks.
Web links
Contact: Prof. Nigel Davies
Primary affiliation: Lancaster University
Position: Head of School of Computing and Communications
City: Lancaster
Country: United Kingdom
Web Site: http://scc.lancs.ac.uk
Stand: 8
Fluorescence Digital Holographic Microscope for Biological Water safety Inspection System
Come and examine a prototype fluorescence digital holographic microscope for a biological water safety inspection system. The system has been designed to meet the needs of water works for producing drinking water or using water. Visitors will be able to study the method and software of the hydrobiological database and admire its performance and speed
3D Virtual Collaboration Arena
Contact: Péter Galambos21st Century Fuel for Research and Development
Contact: Robert LovasWeb links
Contact: Dr. Szabolcs Tökés
Primary affiliation: MTA SZTAKI
Position: head of lab
Country: Hungary
Web Site: http://www.sztaki.hu
Stand: 16