Michel Cosnard
MICHEL COSNARD is Chairman and CEO of INRIA. Previously, Michel Cosnard served as Professor at Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon and from 1997, as director of the INRIA Research Unit in Lorraine. In 2001, he has been nominated director of the INRIA Research Unit in Sophia Antipolis and served as Professor at the University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis. Michel Cosnard holds a Master of Science degree in 1975 from Cornell University and a Doctorat d'Etat in 1983 from Universite de Grenoble. Michel Cosnard has been member of the FP6 IST Evaluation Committee, chaired by Eskko Aho. He is currently member of ISTAG (Information Society Technologies Advisory Group), and chaired the ISTAG-FET working group.
His research interests are in the design and analysis of parallel algorithms, in the complexity analysis of automata and neural nets. Michel Cosnard has published more than 100 papers related to parallel processing. He served as Editor of many scientific journals. He received a prize from the French Academy of Science, the IFIP Silver Core and IEEE Babbage award. In 2007, Michel Cosnard was awarded the title of Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur.