Shake hands with ECCEROBOT, a radically new kind of robot with a spectacular appearance. ECCEROBOT looks like a life-size human with the skin peeled off so that the bones, muscles, and tendons can be seen in motion. The stereotype of the robot is usually either dangerous or fragile, and this mindset must be overcome.

The ECCERobot Design Study which is a fully working anthropomimetic torso consisting of a head with working visual system, a highly mobile neck, two arms with anatomically realistic gliding shoulder blades, two arms and five fingered hands all supported on a flexible spine.

The demonstration has the potential to be highly interactive with visual feedback projected onto a screen to allow visitors to see what the robot is seeing and a highly unusual hands-on approach. The robot is intrinsically safe for humans to interact with, so they can hold it, shake it, attempt to interfere with its movements, and so on, with no risk to themselves or to the robot.

People are immediately captivated by the way it moves - they quickly see that it is built like a human, but because they cannot normally see how they themselves work, there is a particular fascination in seeing how the robot works. Since the structure is completely open, they can see all of the internal workings, right through to the flexible spine with disks.

Contact: Professor Cecilia Laschi

Primary affiliation: Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Position: Associate Professor of Biorobotics - OCTOPUS IP Coordinator
City: Pisa
Country: Italy
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