Call for 20x20 Presentations

Ignite Talks – Promote your idea for Future Information Science and Technology

The fet¹¹ conference programme will feature up to 20 Ignite Talks that will take place at the Science Café.

Do you have a creative idea around research on future and emerging technologies that you want to share? Are you excited about new possibilities or a new way of thinking?

Are you ready to explore your ideas with a diverse and engaged community?

The Science Café is the right place to get your early stage ideas out there in a short, stimulating format - an Ignite Talk. Ignite talks are radically different from traditional conference talks. We're looking for vision, originality, energy and inspiration to be packed into a dynamic 6' 40'' talk. Visual and conceptual impact is also a must.

What are 20x20 presentations?

20x20 shows are stimulating, fun, and energy-packed presentations of 20 slides, each auto-advancing after 20 seconds. In all, you have 6 minutes and 40 second to tell a broad audience about your ground-breaking idea related to any aspect of Future Information Science and Technology. No need to be expert in 20x20 shows, this is easy to learn! If you haven't seen an ignite talk, be sure to do a quick search for "ignite talks" to watch some of the thousands of Ignite Talks out there or check out these sites for a quick tutorial:

Ignite talks will be held in the Science Café on Wednesday 4th May between 18:00 - 19:00 and Thursday 5th of May between 17:30 - 19:00 in parallel to the poster sessions.

Participation can be combined with participation to the poster session.
Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 15th April 2011.

Selection criteria

1. Content

  • relevance to Future and Emerging Information Technologies
  • novelty and originality of key ideas
  • potential impact on science, technology or science policy
  • potential for building bridges among disciplines and/or stakeholders.

2. Quality of the presentation

  • clarity of key messages
  • fit with 20x20 concept
  • inspirational, creativity, vision, funny, energy
  • outreach to a broad audience.

The deadline for submission of proposals for Ignite Talks has expired.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of the selection via email by 15th April 2011.

Proposers of selected talks will get 1 free admission to the fet¹¹ conference, including lunches and receptions.

If you have any questions about this call, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Start/Modify your 20x20 presentation proposal