About fet11

The European Future Technologies (FET) Conference and Exhibition aims to be the European forum for facilitating international cross-disciplinary dialogue and discussion on visions and challenges for frontier research in future and emerging information technologies.

Following the first FET conference held in 2009 in Prague, fet11 is designed to be highly interactive and engaging a broad and multi-disciplinary community. It will involve key policy makers, and features a mix of panel discussion, keynote speakers, scientific sessions, and posters sessions.

A hands-on exhibition will run throughout, in parallel to the conference, showcasing the latest research developments in future and emerging information technologies.

Why a FET conference?
There is no forum in Europe for facilitating cross-disciplinary dialogue on frontier research in information technologies. The FET Conference aims to remedy this, by becoming the periodic 'rendez-vous' for stakeholders to discuss the scientific, societal and policy challenges in this domain. While there are a large number of scientific conferences targeted at specific scientific domains, the FET Conference focusses on bridging disparate disciplines and communities, and fostering the interplay between science, policy and society.

More than a traditional scientific conference, the FET Conference is thus a unique intellectual event which aims at creating an atmosphere of excitement for the opportunities presented by FET-type research in Europe through its distinctive content and structure.

ICT - Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
A continuing well established successful ICT scheme

Within the EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological development, Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) is funding frontier research based on a radically new visions of what can be done and grounded in scientifically valid ideas how to make major steps towards achieving such visions.

FET acts as a pathfinder open to new ideas and opportunities, as they arise from within science or society. It aims to go beyond the conventional boundaries of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and ventures into uncharted areas.

FET funded projects increasingly rely on fresh synergies, cross-pollination and convergence with different scientific disciplines and with the arts and humanities. This transdisciplinary and high-risk research requires new attitudes and novel organisational models in research and education. The multidisciplinary creative process that is at the heart of future and emerging technologies is a constant challenge to conventional academic boundaries.